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Language: ukrainian
Description of seller
Payment methods: Готівка, перерахунок на карту.
Delivery: Нова пошта (післяплата), Укрпошта (післяплата), з рук у руки. Оплата пересилки поштою за рахунок покупця.
Description of seller: Порядність і бережне ставлення до книжок гарантую. Того ж чекаю і від людини, з якою матиму справу.
On site from: 20.12.2021
havrish3 offers to buy (58):
- Collection material under rubrics:
- Medicine, history of medicine (1)
- Poet`s Library (BP Series) (1)
- Ukrainistics (8)
- Russia: history, ethnography, culture, literature and other (7)
- Military themes (2)
- Advertisement (2)
- Propaganda (2)
- Anthropology, ethnography, mythology, folklore (2)
- Religion: Other Religions and Cults (2)
- Religion: magic, occultism, astrology (2)
- The philosophy of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (1)
- Newest time philosophy - Western philosophy. (XX-XXI centuries). (1)
- Psychology (2)
- Linguistics. Ukrainian language (1)
- Sociology, cultural studies, history of everyday life (1)
- Literary criticism (4)
- History of Ancient Greece and Rome (2)
- History of Ukraine (3)
- History of Russia (1)
- History of the USSR (1)
- Biographies, memoirs, pictures: War, Politics, Diplomacy (1)
- Biographies, memoirs, images: Arts (theater, music, movies, etc.) (1)
- Biographies, memoirs, images: Literature (4)
- Transport: Ground transportation (1)
- Child Health. Pediatrics (1)
- Alternative medicine (folk, eastern, healers) (2)
- Dictionaries and reference books, encyclopedias (1)
- Music, singing: notes, libretto (1)
- Collecting (stamps, postcards, stickers, coins, awards, etc.). (2)
- Chess, checkers, card and logical games (1)
- Other hobbies (1)
- Children`s literature: cognitive, teaching, developing (1)
- Children`s Literature: Stories, poems and fables (5)
- Children`s Books: Illustrated Books for Kids (3)
- Poetry to the XX century. (2)
- Poetry XX-XXI centuries. (1)
- Prose of the XIX century Russian translation (2)
- Prose of the XIX century in the Russian translation (1)
- Prose XX-XXI centuries. in Russian translation (1)
- Ukrainian prose to the XX century. (2)
- Russian prose to the XX century. (1)
- Ukrainian prose of XX-XXI centuries. (4)
- Russian prose of XX-XXI centuries. (1)
- Historical novels (5)
- Adventure (4)
- Fantasy, utopian and dystopian fiction (1)
- Romance novels and works of other genres of love (2)
- Multi-volume edition of collected works (2)
- War of 1812, the Napoleonic wars (1)
- Children and all on this topic (2)
- Prose, poetry and drama of the Golden Age of Russian culture - 1800-1837 years. (1)
- Prose, poetry, drama and other arts of the Silver Age of Russian Culture 1900-1922 years. (2)
- Ancient literature (1)
- Textbooks and manuals for students (9)
- Medieval literature (2)
- History of philosophy (1)
- Tourism (1)
- Gothic novel, thriller, horror (1)