Language: russian
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Description of seller: ВНИМАНИЕ! С 01.04.24 по 31.04.24 ПРИ ПОКУПКЕ КНИГ НА СУММУ ОТ 500 ГРН В ОДНОМ ЗАКАЗЕ СКИДКА 10%! Цены меняются. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО УТОЧНЯЙТЕ запросом на мою электронную почту! Без обращения заявки не рассматриваю! Заявки, присланные с указанием электронной почты заказчика на НЕ РАССМАТРИВАЮ! УСЛОВИЯ ДОСТАВКИ ЗАГРАНИЦУ - ВЫШЕ! Связь по электронной почте - [email protected]. Сразу указывайте Телеграм, вайбер, телефон. Это ускорит выход на связь. Или ПИШИТЕ МНЕ сообщение на электронную почту. Неподтвержденные в течение 12 часов заказы считаются аннулированными.
On site from: 02.04.2021
Lucidum offers to buy (1765):
- Collection material under rubrics:
- Warfare:Other (8)
- Medicine, history of medicine (9)
- Arts (46)
- Painting, graphics (14)
- Books from Academia (1922-1938) (1)
- Book series Literary Monuments (LP series) (9)
- Poet`s Library (BP Series) (6)
- Library of World Literature (BVL Series) (2)
- Library Adventure and Science Fiction (book series) (24)
- Individual volumes of multivolume editions (321)
- Russian-language foreign publications (6)
- Ukrainistics (16)
- Russia: history, ethnography, culture, literature and other (96)
- Judaica (2)
- Military themes (81)
- Anthropology, ethnography, mythology, folklore (48)
- Regional studies of Russia: Center, West, North European (2)
- Ethnography and history of the Finno-Ugric nations (1)
- Religion: Christianity (12)
- Religion: Buddhism (1)
- Religion: Other Religions and Cults (2)
- Religion: magic, occultism, astrology (11)
- Religion: Religious Studies, History of Religion, atheism (17)
- Oriental philosophy (2)
- Ancient Philosophy (1)
- The philosophy of the New Age (XVII-XIX centuries). (18)
- Newest time philosophy - Western philosophy. (XX-XXI centuries). (8)
- Philosophy Newest Time-Philosophy of Asia. (XX-XXI centuries). (2)
- Psychology (7)
- Linguistics. Russian language (8)
- Linguistics. Other languages. (4)
- Sociology, cultural studies, history of everyday life (19)
- Economics, political economy (3)
- Legislation Law (2)
- Politology, geopolitics, diplomacy (22)
- Literary criticism (123)
- Archaeology, Palaeontology (15)
- Prehistory (1)
- History of Ancient Greece and Rome (29)
- Ancient History (other regions) (18)
- Medieval History (476-1640 gg.) (19)
- Modern History (1640-1918 gg.) (25)
- Contemporary history (since 1918) (6)
- History of Ukraine (5)
- History of Russia (91)
- History of other states and nations (23)
- History of the USSR (36)
- Military history (24)
- The history of arms of the service (7)
- History of weapons (3)
- Intelligence, security services (2)
- Warfare: Theory and Practice, tactics and strategy (4)
- Biographies, memoirs, pictures: War, Politics, Diplomacy (91)
- Biographies, memoirs, images: Arts (theater, music, movies, etc.) (26)
- Biographies, memoirs, images: Literature (53)
- Biographies, memoirs, images: Science (6)
- Biographies, memoirs, images: Religion, Philosophy (6)
- Travel. Geographical discoveries (34)
- Geography: Australia, New Zealand, Oceania (3)
- Geography of Asia: China, Mongolia (1)
- Geography: South and Central America (3)
- Geography: The Arctic, Antarctica (1)
- Geography of Africa: Other countries (1)
- Geography of Europe: UK, Ireland, Iceland (1)
- Maps and atlases. Topography, geodesy (2)
- Earth sciences (geography, geology, etc.) (13)
- Agriculture (1)
- Biological sciences (4)
- Animals (wild and domestic) (20)
- Hunting and Fishing (6)
- Kitchen Garden, garden, house plants (3)
- Other natural sciences (2)
- Chemistry, chemical manufacture (1)
- Physics (6)
- Astronautics, Astronomy, Space science (4)
- Architecture, Building (1)
- Mathematics (12)
- Metals, Mining (1)
- Transport: The Sailing (2)
- Transport: Air transport (1)
- Transport: Other transport (1)
- Business, Management, Marketing (3)
- Banking, Finance and Accounting (2)
- Anatomy and Physiology (3)
- Psychiatry, neurological disease (1)
- Child Health. Pediatrics (3)
- Alternative medicine (folk, eastern, healers) (4)
- Sport and Physical Education (2)
- Sexology (4)
- Dictionaries and reference books, encyclopedias (33)
- Language dictionaries (1)
- Textbooks and tutorials for various languages (4)
- Benefits for applicants and self (1)
- Benefits for Teachers (6)
- Textbooks and manuals (43)
- Pedagogy (preschool, school, total) (7)
- Theory and art history, aesthetics (14)
- Music, singing: notes, libretto (2)
- Theater, ballet, dance (6)
- Cinema, TV (2)
- Photoart (1)
- Art: Other (15)
- Bibliology, bibliography, printing (2)
- Collecting (stamps, postcards, stickers, coins, awards, etc.). (2)
- Chess, checkers, card and logical games (2)
- Fashion, Beauty, Needlework (1)
- Housekeeping, Cooking, Drinks (4)
- Other hobbies (10)
- DIY (2)
- Other (2)
- Children`s literature: cognitive, teaching, developing (77)
- Children`s Literature: Stories, poems and fables (197)
- Children`s Books: Comics, manga, graphic stories (2)
- Children`s Literature: Prose (122)
- Children`s Books: Illustrated Books for Kids (20)
- Poetry to the XX century. (35)
- Poetry XX-XXI centuries. (21)
- Prose of the XIX century in Ukrainian language (2)
- Prose of the XIX century in Ukrainian language (2)
- Prose XX-XXI centuries. in Ukrainian language (8)
- Prose of the XIX century Russian translation (18)
- Prose of the XIX century in the Russian translation (112)
- Prose XX-XXI centuries. in Russian translation (280)
- Ukrainian prose to the XX century. (4)
- Russian prose to the XX century. (51)
- Ukrainian prose of XX-XXI centuries. (27)
- Russian prose of XX-XXI centuries. (260)
- Historical novels (265)
- Adventure (266)
- Fantasy, utopian and dystopian fiction (257)
- Detectives, Adventure (48)
- Romance novels and works of other genres of love (57)
- Satire and humor (21)
- Dramaturgy (8)
- Multi-volume edition of collected works (292)
- Style: Avant-garde (1)
- WW1 World War 1914-1918. (1)
- WW2 The Second World War, 1939-1945. (38)
- War of 1812, the Napoleonic wars (2)
- Russian-Japanese War, 1904-1905gg. (1)
- Red Army / Soviet Army (10)
- Children and all on this topic (3)
- Sculpture, plastic (4)
- Russian Army (1)
- Ethnography and history of Slavic nations (1)
- Audiobooks (1)
- Reference (52)
- Facsimile reprint (2)
- History and everyday life the Cossacks (3)
- Technology, History of Technology (1)
- Prose, poetry and drama of the Golden Age of Russian culture - 1800-1837 years. (8)
- Prose, poetry, drama and other arts of the Silver Age of Russian Culture 1900-1922 years. (14)
- Ukrainian book series of The Adventures and Science Fiction (1)
- Biographies, memoirs, images: Travel, Adventure, Sports. (2)
- Obstetrics, books for expectant mothers. (2)
- Biographies, memoirs, images: popular movements, plots, riots, revolutions, Revolution. (9)
- Guides (1)
- Journalism: Reporting, Interview, Investigative Journalism (4)
- Biographies, memoirs, images: Other (26)
- Proverbs and Sayings, Aphorisms, Essays (1)
- The revolutionary group, the rebel troops, the guerrillas, individual and group acts of terror and sabotage (22)
- Political movements and parties (23)
- Ancient literature (10)
- Ancient literature of the Far East and South-East Asia (1)
- Ancient literature of Central Asia and the Middle East (1)
- Marinistics (6)
- Textbooks and manuals for students (24)
- Medieval literature (7)
- Series of books "Library of Ancient Literature" BAL (1)
- History of philosophy (13)
- Series "Library for Young People"("Библиотека для юношества") (1)
- Tourism (8)
- Gothic novel, thriller, horror (15)
- Historiography (36)
- History of science (4)